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Selectmen Minutes 08/18/05
Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, William Brooks; Selectman, Conrad Dumas
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:
6:00 – Rebecca Reed – Mrs. Reed requested a sign be posted between the State Park and the center of town stating “no littering”.  She further indicated she has discussed this with Frank and they agree it is a problem in that area.  It is possible that trash is falling off vehicle when going to the Recycle Center.  A sign might help, it was suggested Chief Giammarino sit there and ticket those who are violators, as he has indicated he would ticket anyone who is caught littering, it is a $250.00 fine.  
Selectman Dumas discussed the Recycle Committee and the spring clean-up are both positive steps, they may help.  
Selectmen will check with DOT in Swanzey and ask that two signs be posted, a sign posted at the recycle center reminding people to tie their trash down efficiently may help.  We will write to the State Park to also remind their campers and let them know they will be fined.  Police will patrol and they will fine violators. Minutes to Chief Giammarino & Mr. Pelkey.  NH The Beautiful might be able to provide a sign, this will be looked into.
The GIVers are having a meeting next month, Mrs. Reed will discuss this matter at the meeting.
Mrs. Reed presesnted a written complaint to be presented to the Code Officer for review of junk vehicles ordinance etc.  The Administrative Assistant will put it in Mr. Hopkins mail box.
6:30 – In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (c) Selectman Rainier made the motion to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas.  Voted- Unanimously in the affirmative.
7:10 pm – Motion made by Selectman Rainier, SECONDED by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas, to not publicly disclose the minutes because it is determined that divulgence of the information likely would: Affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of the Board – Voted Affirmatively
Decision:  Administrative Assistant is to contact Town Counsel.

7:15- In accordance with RSA 91A: 3 - II (e) Selectman Rainier made the motion to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas.  Voted- Unanimously in the affirmative.
7:40 pm – Motion made by Selectman Rainier, SECONDED by Selectmen Brooks & Dumas, to not publicly disclose the minutes because it is determined that divulgence of the information likely would: Affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of the Board – Voted Affirmatively
Decision:  Administrative Assistant is to contact Town Counsel.
On – going matters:
Waste Water Project – Selectman Brooks had a meeting on Wednesday with SCI, Scott Johnson from Rural Development, Road Agent, Duffy Fox and Bob Daigle from UEI briefly they discussed.
·       The trench box was gone & excavator leaving today – SCI does not want to work on the culvert that needs replacement as it encroaches on the railroad right of way.  Keith and Bob Daigle will discuss this.
·       UEI has quotes to put approx. 1000 feet fencing – this can be paid from contingency funds.
·       Going to do testing on the system, the person who we hire should be present.  Bioclear will come out once to do the testing.  
·       Waiting for the O & M from Keith Pratt, then we will contact the potential maintenance guy
·       Rural Development - closing on the loan needs to be arranged – Administrative Assistant met with Scott Johnson, she will get together with Dave Barnes, Mr. Johnson and a Selectman to close the loan ASAP.
Septic System Operational Guidelines – waiting for guideline approval from UEI
Church Lease – Deb reported the findings of Hancock & Rindge – copies of what Rindge has as a lease agreement was provided to the Selectmen.  Hancock has no lease, it is agreed the church pays ½ of big maintenance items.  The Church also uses the top portion of the meeting house while the town uses the downstairs.
Vaihenger – Nothing to report -
Old Lyndeborough Mtn. Road – Waiting for Selectman Rainier & Road Agent to discuss

Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R & A/P -
·       Invoices
·       Letters –
·       Minutes – of 8/11/05 as written
Mail - Review misc. incoming mail –
6:30 – Open Cruiser Bids – Two bids were submitted both were $700.00 – Mitchell Foster & Douglas Trottier –

Decision:  Motion by Selectman Rainier to accept the bid from Mitchell S. Foster for $700.00 for the 97 Ford Crown Victoria.  Seconded by Dumas & Brooks, voted affirmatively.
SWRPC – Selectman Brooks will attend the scheduled meeting with the Code Officer, Administrative Assistant & the representative from SWRPC at 1:00 on Wednesday August 24th to review flood maps & building permits.
Thank you – Though Ms. Conkright did not need to use the meeting house she wanted Selectmen to know she appreciated your willingness to allow her to if she needed.
Planning Board minutes – Administrative Assistant mentioned the Planning Board minutes do not reflect how/who voted. Deb will talk with the Planning Board secretary about this.
Fire Dept. Selectmen would like the Fire Chief to meet with them on September 1, at the Selectmen’s meeting.
Cemetery – Parks & Rec. Director, Molly Anfuso had a question regarding filling in the dead spots at the cemetery, would like to meet with Selectmen and Terry Jarest.  Selectmen will meet with them at their meeting on Sept. 1, 2005
e-mail – Selectman Dumas asked when the Administrative Assistant sends e-mails to all three Selectmen; do they respond to her, he never gets a reply? Selectmen Brooks & Rainier said yes, they would send a cc to Conrad of their responses.
East Road signage – Selectman Rainier asked if any signage on East Road has been installed, if not this should be addressed ASAP
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Thursday August 25, 2005 at 5:45 pm